Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shell in $15.5m Nigeria deaths settlement

This item is in the news today. So Shell is finally offering some restitution for it's disgraceful behavior in Nigeria! Perhaps it's not too late for the multinational to start admitting to it's wrongdoing in Mayo also where it is similarly trampling on the local population in it's quest for profit - aided and abetted unfortunately by our corrupt government which has signed over our natural resources to Shell.

"Royal Dutch Shell has agreed to a $15.5m payout to settle a lawsuit alleging complicity in murder, torture and other abuses by Nigeria's former military government.

The settlement brings to an end a decade-long battle by relatives of Nigerian writer and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and others executed in 1995 in what plaintiffs said was a campaign of repression backed by Shell.

Mr Saro-Wiwa led a non-violent protest against environmental destruction and abuses against the Ogoni people in the Niger Delta. He was hanged along with other activists after trial in a military court.

Human rights lawyers hailed the agreement in New York as a precedent for holding Shell and other oil giants responsible for activities in countries with repressive governments.

Shell denies all accusations, but the settlement will spare the oil giant from the potential embarrassment of having to defend itself in court."

For more information visit:
Shell to Sea at www.corribsos.com and Wikipedia on the Corrib gas controversy

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